Giving in memory of Harold “Joe” Barthold II, MD, FASTRO
by Thomas Eichler, MD, FASTRO

On February 15, 2023, my friend and colleague, Dr. Joe Barthold, died unexpectedly. Joe was an ASTRO member for more than 30 years and served as the (past) Chair of the Communications Committee, was an ongoing member of the History Committee and had a longstanding seat on the ASTROnews Editorial Board.
The loss of Joe — trusted partner, loyal colleague, beloved friend — cannot be erased by good will and donations to worthy causes, but that willingness to contribute your time, treasure and talent is something tangible that will, in the long run, benefit patients for generations going forward. That, in and of itself, would please Joe.
To that end, I am encouraging you to consider making a donation in memory of Joe to the Radiation Oncology Institute (ROI) — ASTRO’s research foundation. Three of Joe’s close friends — myself, Dr. Peter Hulick and Dr. Jeff Michalski — hit upon the idea of memorializing Joe through a spot on the Wall of Tributes at the ROI website, inviting friends, partners, colleagues and any interested individual to make an online donation of any amount. Click on “Give Now” at the bottom of the page and you will be taken to the site to make your donation. Peter, Jeff and I have seeded the tribute with $1,000 apiece and invite you to do the same or an amount that makes sense for your budget.
Thank you for considering a donation to the ROI in Joe’s memory. I know that he would be honored and appreciative.